Monday, February 15, 2021



Modern blow room line assembly ( reiter):

The modern blow room line differs in many respects from ordinary blow room assembly. The modern blow room line assembly helps to improve the quality and productivity of the material to be processed. There are so many automatic or electronic devices. This automation is very helpful to perform every action of the blow room effectively and efficiently. The modern blow room line is constructed by keeping all safety measures. The Reiter has availed the blow room line assembly which has all the necessary safety, quality, and productivity measures.

The modern blow room line assembly has the following machines:

1 - Automatic bale opener ( Unifloc A - 11)

2 - Precleaner ( Uniclean B - 12)

3 - Homogeneous mixer ( Unimix)

4- Uniflex/ Unistore ( A - 78)

5 - Chute feed

1 - Automatic bale opener ( Unifloc A - 11)  :

There is a single fibre plucking roller in this machine. This plucking roller is known as a take-off roller. A narrow grid is also attached to this take-off roller. This take - of roller converts the big cotton tufts or lumps into small cotton tufts because of this narrow grid fitted with a roller. This single take-off roller is capable to process cotton fibres and synthetic fibres both effectively and efficiently.  The individual tooth can be changed in case of tooth damage. The Unifloc machine monitors the profile of material ( height of the bale ) automatically. As the bale height gets reduced, the machine height gets adjusted immediately.

First of all the bales are uncovered. The cotton bales are placed in two rows on both sides of the machine. The plucking roller ( take-off roller) collects the fibres and then it opens the tufts slowly and gently. Now the smallest possible size of the cotton tuft is achieved. This machine produces an equal flock of fibres. Many bales of fibres are opened together in this machine. The opening system travels on the iron rail grounded in the floor. This bale opening system revolves at 180-degree. The machine operation is simple and easy. This machine starts blending fibres from the beginning of the process.

2 - Precleaner ( Uniclean B - 12) :

This machine is connected with the Unifloc machine by a transport duct downstream of the bale opener. The material feeding is done at the top position. The fine cotton tufts obtained from the Unifloc machine are supplied to the Uniclean machine. This machine works as a pre-cleaning machine. It helps to clean the small cotton tuft in the first stage. The nip less cleaning takes place in this machine.  It means that material does not pass between the nips of two rollers. This nip less cleaning helps to prevent the damage of good fibres. This machine does the cleaning of fibres effectively and efficiently. The waste volume and waste composition are optimized with the help of VARIOSet. This machine uses a single cleaning cylinder. Fibres have free movement in this machine and grid bars fitted in this machine are adaptable as per the requirement so that very good cleaning quality is achieved in this machine. Since this machine has a large dust removal surface so that this machine feature helps to ensure complete dust cleaning even at maximum production rate. The waste can be evaluated quickly by visual test in this machine. This machine works at a maximum production rate of 1400 kgs per hour efficiently. Since this machine does effective cleaning so that fibre realization is 2% more than conventional blow room line assembly. This machine also consumes low energy for waste transportation.  The machine settings can be altered by VARIOSet. 

3 - Homogeneous mixer ( Unimix) 

This Unimix machine comes after the Uniclean machine. Both machines are connected to each other by a transport duct. The main function of the Unimix machine is to mix the different components of either two varieties or two types of fibre and to find a homogeneous mixture of materials. The homogeneous mixture means a small tuft of mixed martial represents all the components of mixing as per mixing parameters.  This machine gives a homogeneous mixture of material even unfavourable bales lay down arrangement. 3 points mixing is done here. The micro tufts feed at the 90-degree angle of the duct. This originates the eight wavy layers in their direction of swing spaciously and temporarily. Thi results in a distinct long-term blend. The spikey lattice eliminates flocks from all the wavy layers all at once. This tender opening process outcomes in an additional, haphazard mixing of the tufts. The blend is by this time homogenously done at this phase. The remained tufts experience a third thorough mingling process in the mixing roller unit. This supplementary mixing process increases the fibre mingling even better.

It is suitable for cotton as well as Synthetic fibre. This machine consists of 8 mixing chambers in it. More number of mixing chambers helps to increase the mixing capability of the machine. A more number of mixing chambers also ensures effective mixing of material. The output and large storage capacity help to improve productivity. The other spinning processes do not affect during bale take-off process due to this large storage capacity. The material is blended uniformly in this machine. The maximum rate of production is 800 kgs. Per hour.

4 - Uniflex / Unistore ( A 78) :

This machine is connected with Unimix with the help of a transport duct. The homogeneous mixture of fibres is fed to this machine. This machine performs fine opening and fine cleaning of the material received from Unimix. The dust present in the material is extracted here. The main functions of Uniflex/Unostore machine are: 

Further, open the small cotton tufts received from the Unimix machine to clean the fibres thoroughly. 

To eliminate the dust present in the fibres.

To eliminate the contamination present in the material.

To achieve fine cleaning of the material.

To provide intermediate storage for material in order to ensure trouble-free blow room operations.

To feed opened material to the chute feed mounted on the carding machine.

A mesh screen filter is fitted inside the machine which performs the dedusting process. 


The main objective of the chute feed system is to maintain continuous and consistent feeding of fibre sheets of a uniform packing density and uniform linear density (weight per unit length) to the carding machine. The fibre mat to be fed in the carding requires a high degree of evenness (uniformity). This evenness of the fibre mat ensures consistent opening and carding .in the carding process. This evenness is obtained through using the chute feed system. A chute feed system of a carding machine has the following common parts in it:

1. High volume upper trunk.

2. Integrated air volume separator.

3. Feed roll, electrically coupled to the feed roll of the card.

4. Segmented tray to secure clamping.

5. Opening roll with pins.

6. Closed air circuit with an integrated fan.

7. Self-cleaning air outlet combs.

Please click on the below video link to watch the full topic in Hindi:

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