Thursday, October 17, 2019


Sequence of different machines in blow room line assembly:

There is no standard or universal rule of different machines sequence. The various types of machines are arranged in blow room line according to requirements. All these machines are connected by a transport duct. The machines are placed in such a manner that every machine gives maximum efficiency in the blow room line. The decisive factors influencing the machines sequence in blow room line assembly are given below:

Raw material type :

The type of raw material widely affects the sequence of different machines in the blow room assembly. If we use cotton fibres, then assembly needs more beating and cleaning actions. The ginned cotton fibres have many impurities like broken seeds, dried cotton leaves and broken cotton plant stem. The blow room assembly requires extra beating and cleaning to eliminate these impurities.

If we use man-made staple fibres, then we do not need extra cleaning and beating because the man-made staple fibres are almost free from impurities. The number of machines in blow room assembly gets reduced in the spinning of man-made staple fibres. 

Raw material characteristics

The raw material characteristics play very important role in the sequence of various machines in the blow room assembly. If the raw material characteristics are helpful for easy opening and cleaning, the number of machines can be reduced. If the raw material characteristics don't get opened and cleaned easily, the number of machines in blow room assembly get increased. 

Waste content: 

The waste contents present in the raw material is the most important factor and plays a decisive role in the sequence of a blow room assembly. If the material contains high waste content in it, the number of machines get increased in the blow room assembly. The maximum cleaning requires in blow room assembly. High waste contents like seed, leaf and stem's wood necessities to increase the number of machines in blow room assembly.

Dirt content:

The dust and dirt get present on the surface of fibres. The maximum opening help to increase the degree of elimination of dirt and dust from the material. If the material contains a high percentage of dirt and dust, it causes an increment in the number of machines in the blow room assembly.

Out put material quality:

It is a very clear concept. If we need maximum opening and cleaning of output, the number of machines in blow room assembly gets increased. 

The number of different origins of the material in a given blend:

This factor affects the mixing, opening, and cleaning machines. 

The flow chart of the sequence of machines of blow room line assembly is given below:

                Blow room line flow chart:

Process parameter in blow room line assembly: 

The ginned cotton always contains trash and dust particles.  The nep content in the cotton is increased remarkably when the cotton goes under mechanical harvesting, ginning and subsequent cleaning process. The  nep content level is also increased, when the  trash content in the cotton is reduced to improve  the appearance and the grade of cotton, The primary objectives to be achieved for an efficient and effective blow room line assembly are given below:

The fibre tufts should be as small as possible.

The fibre tufts should be free from impurities and be clean.

The tufts should be evenly mixed and blended. The material after mixing and blending should be homogeneous. 

The fibres should not get ruptured during opening and cleaning.

An effective and efficient blow room assembly
Always prevents to generate neps, broken seed
particles during opening and cleaning. 

There should be a minimum amount of good fibres in the blow room assembly waste. 

The above objectives in a blow room assembly are achieved by pre-opening, mixing, blending, fine opening,  dust elimination, even and continuous feeding to the next process. 


The cleaning efficiency of the machine is the ratio of the trash removed by the machine to that of total trash fed to the machine, expressed in the term of percentage.

Following are the basic parameters to be considered in the Blowroom process.

No of opening machines 

Type of beater 

Type of beating 

Beater speed 

Setting between feed roller and beater 

Production rate of each individual machine 

Production rate of the complete line 

Thickness of the feed web (lap)

Density of the feed web(lap) 

Micronaire value of fibre( fibre fineness)

Size of the flocks in the feed 

Type of clothing of the beater 

Point density of clothing 

Type of grid and grid settings 

Airflow through the grid 

Position of the machine in the sequence

Amount of trash in the material (trash %)

Type of trash in the material ( trash composition)

Environmental conditions (Temperature and relative humidity in the blow room department) 

Please click on the below video link to watch the full article in Hindi:



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