Monday, January 27, 2020




The kenaf plant can grow in different kind of soils. It can also grow in different climatic conditions and environmental.  The kenaf reaches to maximum growth in tropical and subtropical areas. It requires field where rain water doesn't get accumulated.  It achieves the best growth in neutral soil. The sandy loam soil considers as the best suited soil for kenaf crop. This crop needs continuous rain fall of 50 CMS to 65 CMS per month over the growing season.

The digs well around 20 CMS to 40 CMS depth. The kenaf seeds sow when the soil temperature reaches to 15 °c - 16 °c.

 To obtain the highest yields of fibre, Kenaf should be planted as early, as possible at the beginning of the rainy season. The flowering should get started when day gets 2.5 smaller than night. The kenaf stems achieves maximum length in this period. The maximum yield of kenaf fibres gets obtained. Normally, the seeding is done in April and May.  The following takes place in September and October. The kenaf planted very closely to each other. The seeding of kenaf is done in row. The plant to plant distance is kept 2 inches. The row to row distance is kept 8 - 12 inches.


The kenaf plant needs some fertilizes to improve the plant's growth. The nitrogen, potash and phosphorus help to improve the plant's growth. The potash helps to maximize the thickness of the bark of the stem.  The phosphoric acid helps to increase the number of fibre bundles. The nitrogen accelerates the growth of the plant.


When the kenaf plant reaches to maximum height, the flowers starts to appear in the plant. It is the best time to harvest the crop. In some places like India the kenaf crop is harvested after budding. Maximum yield is obtained. The good quality fibre obtain if crop is harvested just after budding. If the crop get harvested after flowering, better quality fibre results.


The commercial production of kenaf fibre need cheap and skilled labour. It requires enough water supply for retting of kenaf stems. The fibres stripping is conducted manually or mechanically after retting of stems.


Usually, the retting of kenaf fibre is conducted in watter. Ponds or river water is used for retting. Slow moving water does the best retting. The moving water helps to carry away the waste material. The bundles of stems  keep in the water. The weights are kept on the bundles. These weights help to keep bundles 6 - 9 inches under the water surface. The retting time depends upon the temperature of water. The increased temperature accelerates the speed of retting. Normally, retting period varies between 15 - 22 days. The proper retting is ensured by carefully checking. If the stems get under retted, the cleanliness of the fibre gets decreased.

                                   The end

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