Fabric pilling:
when the fabric is used for garment, flat sheet, fitted sheet, car sheeting, table linen etc, it passes under various kinds of situations like rubbing, stretching, lighting, raining etc. the rubbing of the fabric badly affect the fabric surface. This rubbing situation generates balls on the fabric surface. Thus we can say that the formation of the ball on the fabric surface during fabric wear due to the entanglement of protruding fibres is termed as pilling. These balls on the fabric surface form due to rubbing. The pilling of the fabric is always a major fabric quality issue because it directly affects the fabric surface.
Apparatus used:
1 - Martindale pilling tester
2 - processed fabric ( dyed or printed)
3- scissor
4 - Measuring scale
5 - marking pen
One pair of circular specimens of 38 mm diameter is cut from the fabric.
Another pair of a circular specimen of 140 mm diameter from the fabric.
Mounting of specimens:
The specimen of 38 mm diameter is mounted on the machine as shown in below figure:
Another test specimen of 140 mm diameter is mounted as shown below figure:
Working principle:
In this pilling testing machine, the face of the test specimen gets rubbed against the face of the same mounted fabric in the form of a geometric figure, that is, straight line, which becomes a gradually widening ellipse, until it forms another straight line in the opposite direction and traces the same figure again under light pressure for a specific number of movements.
1 - After mounting the specimens, the required number of turns are set in the electronic counter meter.
2 - 100 turns are set into the counter meter.
4 - Finally the electric supply of the machine is switched on by pushing on the button.
5 - The machine starts and gets stopped after reaching a preset number of turns.
5 - Now, the 38 mm specimen is taken out from the machine.
6 - Next, the specimen is compared with the visual standard for evaluation of the degree of pilling.
7 - The visual standard may be either actual fabric or photographs of the fabric showing a range of pilling resistance.
8 - The rating of the test specimen is given by using an arbitrary rating scale. ( 1 to 5)
Please click on the below video link to watch the full article in Hindi:
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